Jupiter enters Aquarius today. Some might be surprised at my title. It is not a word most people think of in relation to Aquarius. Yet the symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer pouring water from the sky. The origins may lie in the fact that Uranus (one of Aquariu’s rulers) was a sky god. So what does it all mean? The water is bringing something from the sky into the world. He is bringing divinity to humanity. He is bringing the spark of spirit, igniting our souls. This means that we look to the sky, we are inquisitive, we are aspirational.
Jupiter is about growth and expansion through understanding and meaning. While in Aquarius he expands this sign’s aspirational qualities. The next few months will be full of idealism and possibly wild hope. In the euphoria the challenge will be to keep perspective and not to lose common sense.
You benefit most from this energy if you’re an Aquarius, Gemini or Libra.
You also benefit if you’re a Sagittarius or Aries.